Learn more, not less about cannabis
You love your brain. Who doesn’t? It’s your ride-or-die, always there for you. Since it's still growing until you're 25, it’s smart to take care of it. Your brain will totally thank you.
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Your Circle
If you use cannabis (a lot and often), it can mess with your brain over time. Skills like concentration, memory, focus, and even being social can take a hit.
Which to keep?
Sometimes the little things can make a big difference. If you are using cannabis a lot, small changes can sneak up on you. You might notice your memory isn’t as sharp, or you feel like you used to be better at video games. That’s because cannabis can mess with your memory, concentration, and reaction time. It can also throw off your emotions (what they call emotional regulation), making it harder to socialize and keep friendships or relationships over time. Knowing this stuff is half the battle.

Your Choices
Hey, we know that cannabis use can sometimes lead to problems and even dependency. But here’s the good news, studies show that reducing or stopping cannabis use can improve things.
Where to start?
There's a lot you can do to lower your risk with cannabis! Check out Canada's Lower-Risk Cannabis Use Guidelines for all the info, but here's the quick rundown:
- Wait until you're 25 to start
- Choose lower THC products
- Use it less often-like the weekend or one day during the week
- Avoid inhaling deeply when smoking or vaping
- Consider different methods of using cannabis products like edibles
- Don't drive while using
- Talk to medical professional if you're pregnant, have mental health issues, or a family history of substance use problems

What do you think?
Even though it's "natural," cannabis can actually become addictive. Just like with other substances, how dependent you get depends on the person. But as a general of thumb, the more you use, the higher your risk of becoming dependent. Studies say about 1 in 10 people who use cannabis get addicted. If you started using it as a teen, that number goes up to 17%, and if you're smoking it every day, there's a 25%-50% chance you'll become dependent.

Your Brain
If you’re 18-24, it’s been found through research that you’re in the group that uses the most cannabis in Canada—about 35% of us. So even if you don’t use it yourself, you probably know someone who does.
As over a third of Albertans use or have used cannabis, it’s likely that you or someone you know does. Since cannabis can affect younger people more, it’s useful to be aware of any signs or red flags. If something seems off, it’s worth checking out. You might find these resources and support helpful to get help with substance use.

Your Future
Using cannabis a lot can mess with how well you do at work or school and could lead to ditching activities like hanging out with friends. It could also affect your future in the long run.
Performance, me?
It’s been researched that students who use cannabis regularly are often less likely to attend class regularly, complete their homework, achieve high marks, and value good grades, relative to their abstaining peers. Studies have shown that people whose highest level of education is high school (or less) also have higher rates of cannabis use. (32% vs 25% for other levels). So, it’s better to pass on cannabis until you are 25, as it can affect your future plans!