Buy legal

Woman laughing outdoors

Why buy legal

Legal cannabis products must comply with rigorous safety standards for quality, advertising, packaging and labelling. If you choose to consume cannabis, reduce your risk by choosing legal cannabis products.

Benefits of buying legal

There are many reasons to buy legal cannabis—let us share some of the benefits with you.

  • Rigorous testing is in place, to keep you from getting sick from ingesting any pesticides or other harmful substances.
  • Regulations are in place that triggers a product recall if there are any quality or safe issues. Any edible form of cannabis follows strict food safety regulations.
  • Verified potency. Labels have accurate information, so you know how much THC and/or CBD are in your products. Legal cannabis limits are max 10mg and 1000mg for concentrates and topicals, which help safeguard against unintentional consumption.

With illegal cannabis you never really know what you are ingesting— myclobutanil, bifenazate, boscalid and fludioxonil are just some of the 23 unique pesticide ingredients a 2023 Health Canada report found in illegal cannabis. Plus, you think you’ve got cannabis with 2.5mg of THC, but it’s actually 10x that amount. Not knowing how much THC and CBD is in your products could result in unintentional poisonings, visits to the emergency department and hospitalizations. 

  • Industry-wide standards and rules for the growing process are set by Health Canada. licensed producers (LPs) must have safe and clean growing conditions.  
  • No pesticides are allowed, and products must be tested for other contaminants like mould, bacteria and chemicals. When LPs don’t follow the rules, Health Canada can recall and destroy their product, fine them up to $1 million and remove their licence.

With illegal cannabis, products could be laced with other substance, or even illegal drugs. They may contain dangerous chemicals that are flammable (e.g., butane in dabs) or toxic when heated and inhaled (e.g., vitamin E acetate in vapes). Plus, edible products may not be produced following food safety regulations, and could lead to ingesting chemicals, glass, pest droppings or other allergens (nuts, soy, gluten, eggs, etc.)

  • There are multiple strains of dried cannabis, with detailed information about them. 
  • Properly labelled THC, CBD and terpene amounts.

Consumers may not know precisely what they are getting with illegal cannabis, as there is no guarantee that strains are correctly labelled.

  • Legal cannabis packaging is very plain, so it doesn’t appeal to children or teens. While illegal products are often packaged in bright, colourful packing that looks like candy, making it very attractive to youth and pets. 
  • Child resistant packaging is mandatory, so it is very difficult for any child to get into. 
  • Maximum THC limits on legal edible cannabis—which decreases the risks of childhood poisonings.

Cannabis-related visits to the ER have gone up in Alberta since legalization, so it is best to buy legal and safely store your cannabis products - locked up tight and out of sight.

  • Educated staff. Alberta cannabis retail store staff are certified as Qualified Cannabis Workers (QCWs) and must complete AGLC's SellSafe course specific to legal cannabis sales.
  • QCWs help guide you on what cannabis products are available, what the potency levels are and to help you make an informed decision.
Light green cannabis leaf

Where to buy legal cannabis

For Albertans, cannabis can be purchased legally from a licensed retail store or licensed online store: Cannabis licensee search

What does legal cannabis look like?

There are many different types of legal cannabis products available to Albertans, and not all packaging will look exactly the same, but there are three main things that can help you identify if your cannabis is legal:

What does legal cannabis look like

Buying online - Legal vs. Illegal Sites

Buying cannabis online can be confusing. You may think you are looking at a legal website selling legal products—however, many illegal online sites trick you with information such as health warnings and other legal-looking symbols.

  • Your personal and credit card information is at risk. Your personal or credit card could fall into the hands of identity thieves as many illegal sites appear legitimate.
  • You could get ripped off, without legal recourse as the product you purchased was illegal. This means you would be out of luck to get your money back, and in the case of identity theft, the consequences could be long-lasting for both buyers and sellers.
  • There is a higher risk of a bad reaction or unintentional poisoning with illegal products. you can’t always be sure of what you’re getting or how much – so there can be a higher risk of a bad reaction or unintentional poisoning.
  • Plus, the risks of not knowing what is actually in the product you’re buying—that goes for pesticides or potency levels.
  • Illegal cannabis packaging is more likely to appeal to children.
legal vs illegal sites chart

The Edmonton Police Service have put together some tips to help you avoid purchasing illegal cannabis products. You can see the EPS’ complete list of tips here. Also, Health Canada has a short video to help guide you through purchasing legal cannabis—check it out here.

Light green cannabis leaf

Is legal cannabis safer?

There is no such thing as “safe” cannabis – legal or otherwise. There are just degrees of safety and risk. Legal, regulated, tested cannabis carries fewer risks than illegal cannabis. But all have effects and side effects, some of which can be harmful to your health. Still have questions? Learn more about the health effects of cannabis.

Medical cannabis guidelines

In Canada, medical use of cannabis is legal if a specific healthcare practitioner provides an authorization. Researchers continue to explore how and why cannabis works for some people. For more information, visit the medical use of cannabis on the Government of Canada website.

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